Posts from — June 2009
Two weeks to OpenTech 2009
Happily, I’ve completed my presentation on Radio Drama At A Distance (aka VoIP Radio Drama) that I’ll be giving at OpenTech 2009 in just a couple of weeks’ time on July 4 in London. You can read about it here.
It’s only a 15-minute slot but it should be fun, and if you’ve wondered how to get a bunch of people who are geographically separated together to create radio drama, it will hopefully give you some ideas.
After the event, I’ll publish some kind of paper on the content and hopefully put the presentation slides up somewhere accessible. However, at the time of writing you can still get in to the event itself, and there are plenty of interesting presentations and discussions throughout the day — here’s the schedule as it currently stands. So you might like to try and get there in person.
In particular, I draw your attention to presentations by Bill Thompson and Ben Goldacre, in the first session of Stream A.
June 23, 2009 Comments Off on Two weeks to OpenTech 2009
The Digital Britain report and what it means
I haven’t had the opportunity yet to read through the entire Digital Britain report, but someone who has is leading tech journalist Bill Thompson, with whom I worked on the Cambridge Digital Britain Unconference that he organised.
Bill’s report, Engaging with the Internet, is well worth a read and covers the topic admirably. And, nice to hear, it’s hopeful rather than gloomy. Check it out.
June 23, 2009 Comments Off on The Digital Britain report and what it means
Mothering for the Environment Conference (Toronto, Canada)
Leona Graham will be presenting a paper/experience at this unique conference, to be held in Toronto from October 22–25, 2009 and sponsored by the Association for Research on Mothering (ARM) in conjunction with York University’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. The title of her talk is The Great Returning. More to follow!
June 17, 2009 Comments Off on Mothering for the Environment Conference (Toronto, Canada)