Cloudbank Across the Fens
In this, her third published book of characteristically accessible poetry, teacher and conservationist Leona Graham-Elen once again evokes the atmosphere and vibrancy of her surroundings: this time her musings on life in the East of England. In Cloudbank Across the Fens, she tells of her life in the environs of a village in the Fenlands of Cambridgeshire. Yet although her inspiration begins with family, friends, the area and its ‘Spirit of Place’, her topics reach across the world.
ISBN 978–0‑9649553–3‑2, 78pp, 210 x 150 mm, softcover
SRP: UK £7.99, US $12.99, CAN $12.50
Publication date: 1 June, 2011
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Cover and design by Richard Elen.