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Cloudbank Across the Fens

In this, her third pub­lished book of char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly acces­si­ble poet­ry, teacher and con­ser­va­tion­ist Leona Gra­ham-Elen once again evokes the atmos­phere and vibran­cy of her sur­round­ings: this time her mus­ings on life in the East of Eng­land. In Cloud­bank Across the Fens, she tells of her life in the envi­rons of a vil­lage in the Fen­lands of Cam­bridgeshire. Yet although her inspi­ra­tion begins with fam­i­ly, friends, the area and its ‘Spir­it of Place’, her top­ics reach across the world.

ISBN 978–0‑9649553–3‑2, 78pp, 210 x 150 mm, softcover
SRP: UK £7.99, US $12.99, CAN $12.50
Pub­li­ca­tion date: 1 June, 2011

How to buy this book

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Infor­ma­tion for booksellers

UK Book­sellers: Order through either Bertrams or Gard­ners
US/CAN Book­sellers: Order from Ingram or Bak­er & Taylor 

Note that this title is a Print On Demand book. As a result, dis­trib­u­tors may show stock lev­els as zero, or that it will take time to arrive! In fact, it’s eas­i­ly avail­able and will be deliv­ered in days. Con­tact us if you have any dif­fi­cul­ty obtain­ing copies.

Cov­er and design by Richard Elen.