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Posts from — November 2014

The Traveller’s Guide to Sacred Scotland

We’re pleased to be able to tell you about the new book from our friend Mar­i­an­na Lines. An author­i­ty on ancient sites, espe­cial­ly in Scot­land where she lives, Mar­i­an­na is also a tal­ent­ed artist. Her book is avail­able now from all the usu­al places, includ­ing your local book­store and those online peo­ple who don’t pay their tax­es. The Trav­eller’s Guide to Sacred Scot­land is pub­lished by Goth­ic Image in Glastonbury.

The Trav­eller’s Guide to Sacred Scotland
A Guide To Scot­land’s Ancient Sites and Sacred Places
Mar­i­an­na Lines

Buy from the pub­lish­ers, Goth­ic Image

The first guide­book to weave togeth­er the cul­tur­al, his­tor­i­cal and spir­i­tu­al aspects of this fas­ci­nat­ing coun­try, it will enhance the expe­ri­ence of the arm­chair trav­eller as well as any pil­grim to the ancient mag­i­cal land of Scotland.

Scot­land has a rich pre­his­to­ry stretch­ing from Neolith­ic times through the Bronze and Iron Ages. She has islands from the mag­nif­i­cent Orkneys and Shet­lands to the Out­er Hebrides and the Uists, the Isle of Skye and the Inner Hebrides. Each one is renowned for its ancient sanc­ti­ty. Scot­land was home to many dif­fer­ent cul­tures includ­ing the Norse, Picts and Celts. She has a par­tic­u­lar­ly unique and stun­ning land­scape with holy moun­tains, spec­tac­u­lar lochs and sacred trees. The High­lands with their Pic­tish set­tle­ments and carved stand­ing stones offer yet anoth­er kind of awe-inspir­ing beau­ty. Fairy folk­lore, poets and bards, Arthuri­an and Mer­lin relat­ed sites, Celtic Chris­t­ian foun­da­tions and their Saints are all to be found in this land.

This guide­book not only takes the read­er on an inspir­ing jour­ney of dis­cov­ery into Scot­land’s past, but, also, offers direc­tions to places regard­ed by Scots them­selves of spe­cial impor­tance, what they mean and their rel­e­vance today.

  • Pub­lished : 03/11/2014
  • ISBN : 9780906362761
  • For­mat : Paperback
  • Imprint : Goth­ic Image Publications
  • Size (mm): 110 x 215
  • Cat­e­go­ry: Travel
  • Pages : 500
  • Price £16.99

November 4, 2014   Comments Off on The Traveller’s Guide to Sacred Scotland