Our friend Cheri Barstow has released her new book: Elementally Speaking - The Nature Spirits' Guide to their World. It's available from Trafford Books - click here for more, or visit her new Elementally Speaking web site (under construction).
Bride's Mound is a tiny little mound to the west of Glastonbury just near the foot of Wearyall Hill. Tiny it may be, but its history is great, for legend has it that it is the gateway to Avalon where pilgrims would stay in vigil through the night, before passing on up the processional way to Avalon. A group has come together to preserve this ancient site: the Friends of Bride's Mound.
The WILD Foundation - based in Ojai, this organization is doing wonderful things to protect endangered species and preserve the wilderness.
of Avalon is a shop in Glastonbury specialising in Hand Made Jewellery,
Hand Painted Silks and Colour Therapy products, run by our friend Jan Billings
and daughter Rachel Reilly. They are established artists in their own unique
styles, and have combined their talents to create a space where they can be
seen working.
Findhorn Foundation - Founded in the early 1960s by Peter & Eileen
Caddy and Dorothy Maclean and located on the north-east coast of Scotland near
Inverness, this community is based on spiritual co-operation with Nature..
Kathy Jones - Leona and Richard worked with Kathy and Ariadne Productions on The Beauty In The Beast, a play produced in Glastonbury in 1997, on the video Rite of Passage and other projects. Kathy has some wonderful books available and other work.
Meridian Audio Limited, based in Huntingdon, near Cambridge, UK, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of consumer audio equipment and designed the MLP lossless compression system for the DVD-Audio format. Richard now works there handling Creative Services.
Neilson/Clyne Inc - based in Middle Tennessee, Neilson/Clyne inc is the marketing communications agency where Richard worked from 1994-5.
D. Lehrman is one of the best technical journalists - actually any kind
of journalists - around. He met Richard through writing for Sound International
and Studio Sound while Richard was runninng them, and they have done
a number of projects together over the last 25 years. In addition, Paul is an
exceptional musician. Apart from other works, he recently realized, for the
first time, George Antheil's
avant-garde piece generally known as Ballet
Mécanique and written in 1924 for then-impossible instrumentation
including 16 synchronized player-pianos, airplane propellers, siren, electric
bells, et al.
Palden Jenkins is many things - a Renaissance man is probably a good description [it takes one to know one - R]. He's... a web-developer and webmaster, astrological adviser, editor, consultant, author & copywriter, teacher and speaker... you name it.
Kemp is an internationally-recognised
poet and performance artist. She and her partner have their own publishing
house as we do, and their site is full of poetry, art and surprises! Take
a look...
Designs is a textile design workshop based in Fife, Scotland, which
produces an extensive range of printmaking on both paper and textiles. Artist
Marianna Lines finds inspiration from the Pictish and Celtic carved stones
of Scotland. Natural dye prints on cloth are available as original wall-hangings,
or as screen prints, etchings and greetings cards.
Graves and Wyrdsmiths
- Tom brought Leona
and Richard together. He's probably best-known as a writer, mainly on subjects
like dowsing (water-divining), 'earth-mysteries' research and the relationship
between science, technology and magic, but also on other areas such as business
models, personal development and gender-issues.
Transdiffusion is a unique collection of web sites and sub-sites and the largest archive of its kind in the UK, covering many aspects of the history and development of television in Britain, from the earliest days to the present, concentrating more on the "grammar" of television - the way in which the companies and channels present themselves to the viewer and the world: "everything except the programmes". From start-ups to close-down, it's all here. Richard has wrtten several articles on the history of broadcasting for EMC, Transdiffusion's on-line media magazine, and is now Editor in Chief of the network of sites. In particular, see Television House, about Rediffusion, and Baird, about the early history of television.